Sunday, May 13, 2012

K's ride!

K received a cute little car as a birthday present from his aunt and uncle in Scotland! Lately we've had some nice sunny days so he's been taking it out for a spin!

 On not so pleasant days, he enjoys a ride indoors! :)

K loves outdoors and is mesmerized by all that's around him! He loves riding in his car and we love to take him out in it! He's going to be spending a lot of time riding it this summer!

Thanks so much Vibha and Tribhuwan! :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Our little climber!

Today, I had gone to my office for a quarterly meeting. When I got back home I was told that K climbed the stairs!

 First, I got concerned as our stairs are not the most safe and I thanked god that we had covered them from the back just last week (earlier they were open and VERY risky) and then my reaction was did anyone take pictures?

That's what I do, when I see K doing anything for the first time or just having fun. Of-course no pictures were taken and I was sad to have missed it.

In the evening, when K woke up from his nap, I took him to the stairs to see what he does. He was a natural! He climbed the steps so carefully that my jaw dropped!

This is big!! Both his and our world is soon going to change...again! :)

K shows his love for melody!

K received a toy camera as one of his birthday presents recently. It came from our family in Canada. He got attracted to it as soon as it was unwrapped!

It was the mirror on it that attracted him really

 but soon he figured out the button on the camera that plays the music.

Now he just presses the button and enjoys a little dance to its lovely tune! It's super cute, check it out for yourself! :)

It's amazing, how we develop fondness for music so early in our lives!