Saturday, September 29, 2012

A new beginning!

K you've started pre-school! Yes ALREADY and we are so excited! :)

We enrolled you at the Village Green Day School in Great Falls which has a parent child program for your age group.

As part of this program, you have a class once a week (every Wednesday) for 90 mins and you are accompanied by me and your nanny Tita.

When the session started on Sept 19th, the class size was 7 and now it has gone up to 9 children in the age range of 17 months to 2 years+.

It's a very free flowing class taken by Mrs. Lori Fitzgerald, who lets all you children, just come and work on puzzles and slowly she transitions you all to the floor, so you all could play on the slide or in the play house.

You have the most fun doing it all!

You have circle time where everyone sings the "Hello" song and all the children's names are called. All you kids, dress up the weather bear! :)  Soon the hand puppets come out and we all sing rhymes!

Later you all get to play more and then get to clean up too! You have been a good helper while cleaning up. I am so proud!

Sometimes we do a craft together. Your class is called the "Ducklings", so your first craft was related to that! :)

Sometimes you kids get to spend time in the playground! For you this seems to be the best part as it brings tons of smiles! :)

You do get a snack break in-between and Mrs. Fitzgerald pairs it with the Story time. She introduces a new book each week. It's fun!

You have been very receptive to the program and are very comfortable with how it flows.

Soon you'll make friends! Little one, you are off to a great start and we couldn't be more happy and excited!

To more exciting beginnings, many more learnings and even more fun times!

Happy Pre-schooling, Sweetie!

We love you so much!


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fun at the park and shivers in the water!

This past summer for Kabir was full of endless FUN! He spent a lot of time it the zoo, the nearby parks or the water fountain.

Visits to the library weren't as exciting, especially when he knew the park was across the street! ;) 

Entering the park just lit up Kabir's face and he was all smiles! :)

Slides were fun 

and so was going round and round in the merry-go-round 

and playing with the other equipment

but he was the HAPPIEST in the swing! :)

so much so that I had to capture the giggles! :)

Visit to the water fountain and playing in the water was another favorite!

To top it all, time spent with the grandparents was icing on the cake!

O Summers! How much we'll miss you thee!