Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fun at the park and shivers in the water!

This past summer for Kabir was full of endless FUN! He spent a lot of time it the zoo, the nearby parks or the water fountain.

Visits to the library weren't as exciting, especially when he knew the park was across the street! ;) 

Entering the park just lit up Kabir's face and he was all smiles! :)

Slides were fun 

and so was going round and round in the merry-go-round 

and playing with the other equipment

but he was the HAPPIEST in the swing! :)

so much so that I had to capture the giggles! :)

Visit to the water fountain and playing in the water was another favorite!

To top it all, time spent with the grandparents was icing on the cake!

O Summers! How much we'll miss you thee!

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