Your Nani Ma was here to be with you when you were born. Sumit Mamu, Ammi and Uncle came soon after. It was great to have everyone's company and you got a lot of love and cuddling from all.

One day, Ammi, Nani ma, Sumit mamu, Aman, I and you went to the temple to do a little prayer for you. It was nice to go when Ammi was around.
While Ammi was here, we also celebrated you turning a week old!

Nani ma is here for a couple more months. Her being here has been so much help. I can't even imagine being alone at this time without her support.
Nani ma is enjoying every bit of you. She loves to tend to your needs, cuddles you, plays with you, makes stories for you. It is lovely to see this new bond developing.

Archana, Manoj, Kuntal, Sanjay, Debi, Upaasna, Aman, Umesh, Shuchi, Navneet, Shubra, Kumar uncle are some of the people who came to see you.

Debi also hosted a meet and greet get together for you at her home where a lot of our neighbors came to see you and brought you lovely presents.
You are a peaceful child. You cry only when you are hungry and lately have started to get restless when you want to sleep but can't. O yeah, these days you would only sleep in either of ours arms. You don't sleep in your basket till you are cuddled and put to sleep in our arms first. Your feeding schedule is random. Some nights you wake up every 1.5 to 2 hours and some nights you sleep for 3 to 4 hours at a stretch. Your Dad's been helping me with night time feeding during weekend nights. It 's nice to catch a little break and get a full night's sleep then.

Overall, you are very expressive and super cute. I can just sit and watch you all day and so can Nani ma. Sometimes, I feel you understand things that are going around you...your expressions tell me that. You make the funniest noises, like the tires of the car screeching and pass the smiles that are to die for.

You love to stretch and we love to watch you stretch!

I love taking your pictures, I even take them on the examination table at your pediatrician's office! :)

You have been a healthy baby. Your doctor appointments so far have gone well. You were back at your birth weight at your 2 week check up, which was a wonderful news!
Nani Ma and I take you out for walks in the neighborhood and sometimes take you around in other outdoor settings like Reston Town Center.

Today, to celebrate your one month birthday, Nani Ma and I took you for story time at Kinder Haus Toys and then we had lunch at Le Pain Quotidien. We brought dessert home to celebrate with Dad. Nani ma is also making halwa!

The time has gone by so fast, I can't believe it's been a month since you were born. I have enjoyed every minute of it, even though it was a big transition to begin with.

I wish you the very best growing up, sweetie!
You are precious and we love you a lot!
That made me tear up!!! Love you guys so much!!
Liked reading ur blog. It is too good to tell.
Sumit: Love you a whole lot back!
Mom: Thanks!
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