Friday, September 16, 2016

A new pre-schooler in town!

If I could keep you little,

I'd keep you close to me.

But then I'd miss you growing

into who you're meant to be!
                            By Marianne Richmond

Vir, this was another big week at our house. You started regular pre-school on Monday! You will be going Monday through Thursday from 9am till 1pm.

We'd been talking about it for days and you were super excited, excited for your backpack, excited to be a ladybug and excited to have new friends.

And it showed pretty well, last Monday, when we just couldn't contain our excitement!

I walked you to your classroom yesterday and met Mrs. Haq. Her words were "Feels like Vir has been in the class for an year. He is settling in so well and he's the youngest of all!"

How lovely, Vir! I saw you pick your name tag and check-in all by yourself. You found your name tag, there's no picture on it only letters. Yes, you can read your name! :-)

Next, you went to put your backpack in your cubby. You did it all independently and then walked straight to the rug to sit in circle. You sat at the spot assigned to you (the map of Philippines). Mrs. Haq and I were very proud!

I was all smiles seeing this. You were focused and happy. You didn't even notice when I left.

When I shared this with Kabir in the evening, he said "What a good big boy!" We are all so proud of you!

You have been coming back and sharing little things from your day. It's very sweet. Like you said  the other day, "I made a good choice today but I didn't put the marble in the jar"
Me: Why did you not put the marble in the jar?
You: because I didn't want to!

Yet another day, you shared "I had music today "

Great first week, Vir! I am SO excited for you! 

Enjoy your time at school. Make new friends, learn new things, have new adventures and love it all. You are very independent, so I hope and feel that the Montessori program would be a wonderful program for you.

As you take these big steps forward, always know and remember that we are here for you and you're still our baby. 

Always, always, always be your sweet self.

We all love you SO much! Kisses all the way!

Nani sent you a letter the first day of your school. Here goes:

Hey  Little ( Big )  Boy  !!             You have been surprising us from day one  . We believed that you are born weak but you proved that you are strong , brave , big & what not . You are so fast that you can't wait doing all that your big brother does . Mommy got tricycle for you thinking that you will practice to paddle . No ! That  was not to happen . You are far ahead of this . You began with driving your Tesla  & then took to biking  Kabir's  bicycle . It was yesterday only you were going to Mommy  & Me sessions going to school just for an hour or so & that too two days a week . And Today you made it to Ladybug class --- staying in school for full five hours  all five days a week . I can't recall when did you grow this big ! You are already known so well in your class -- be it your Teachers Or Friends  they all know you & love you a lot . Am sure you too are going to have wonderful time in school  surprising us every single day with your new stories .

            Here I send you hundred kisses & a warm tight hug  wishing you all the very Best for Always !

          Much  Love
  Friends For Ever

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