Thursday, April 23, 2015

What Kabir says!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

While I was giving Kabir a bath, he says to me

"Ma,  I am so tall now, look at my arms. You can't believe it, can you?"

Monday, April 20, 2015

 Me: Walking K to get him ready for school, I ask him, how was your  night? Did you sleep well?

K (Gives me a deaf ear, busy playing with his new bubble gun and then suddenly asks me): Is Daddy even here?

Me: Wow, Kabir, you've had a very busy weekend, you didn't even realize that Daddy has been gone since Saturday, after your party?

K: But I want to show him this (referring to his bubble gun). I hope he doesn't come on a bad day when it stops working.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Tarun spent last week in India and returned this past Saturday. He brought with him a remote controlled helicopter that Kabir's grandparents sent for him. On seeing it, Kabir was excited to try it out. While eating lunch, he exclaimed.

"I fly the helicopter and we take a walk, how about that Ma?!"

June, 2015

Kabir to me: Ma, you know, it's very hot and when it is 100 degrees, we can melt but I don't even want to melt.  :)

Thursday, June 24th, 2015

Kabir to Tarun, while reviewing the map of USA: Ammi lives in Pennsylvania and we live in Virginia, but how do we go there since there is another state in between?

You ask such good questions Kabir, I love you more and more when I hear your interesting talks.

Friday, June 26th, 2015

Kabir, comes to our room in the morning around 7:20 A.M. and gets in the bed. I smile at him and wish him good morning.

K to me: Some people have 3 eyes. Aliens have 3 eyes.
Me: Ok.
After some pause
K: Can rattle snakes bite?
Tarun: Yes, they can bite
K: So if you see a snake, you have to run really fast, like going down the hill on a sledge.
Tarun: That's right or you stay away from the snake.
K: Or you climb up a rope
Me: Where is the rope?
K: On the wall?
Me: You know, snakes can climb the wall
K: But the wall is very slippery and the rope is 90 feet high!

I sure was fully awake after this conversation! :)


Slime Time Party!

Kabir, you had your 4 year birthday party last Saturday at Curiosity Zone and it was super duper fun!

We reached the venue a few minutes early to set the food and welcome our guests. Curiosity Zone team did such a great job with the overall set up. They even had a running "Happy Birthday Kabir" banner going! :) It was pretty cool.

Promptly at 10:30 A.M. our guests started to arrive

and after the initial warm up

 you all were taken into the lab, where you all were little scientists dressed up in lab coats

 and talking about vortex and testing it out!

And then there were more experiments. You all made colorful slime and bouncy balls!

All the kids were really into it and curious to see each others mix.

There you are now, making the jelly like mix for bouncy balls.

After having experimented with all the cool stuff, like color, water, borax, mixing, shaping etc. you were all queued up to get into the party room but the door to the room could only be opened by your biometrics! How cool is that?!? :)

In the party room, you all prepared your own concoction (lemonade with food coloring!) and then the food was served!

Finally it was time for the cake. This time you requested for the Swordfish on the cake. Last year, it was the Shark! :)

And then the super fun and cool shadow wall experiment!

And it was time for the party to be over.  All your friends, got a beaker with test tube and an experiment card along with the slime and bouncy balls they had made. :)

There were things outside to keep kids busy and no one wanted to leave. That's how much fun it was! :)

A lovely morning spent with your friends. So nice of them to have joined and helped you celebrate.

You were so excited to tell everyone later, that you were a scientist and that you are now "4+"

I have been told by many parents that kids are continuing to play with the slime balls even at their homes!  :)

To many many more celebrations, Kabir! Have a wonderful life.

Bear hug, lovie! I love you lots!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

F for FOUR

Kabir, earlier this week you turned 4! There was so much excitement around our house for your birthday. For the first time, you yourself were looking forward to it.

Since your birthday was on Monday, we made a weekend out of it!

Saturday, April 4th you got a new bike with a new helmet. You were very excited. You were very involved in choosing it, you rode it in the store to test it and even confirmed the color.

Sunday, April 5th, we took you to the National Geographic Museum, where they had the Monster Fish and Spinosaurus exhibits. You even watched a 3D movie about dinosaurs and sea life. It was a beautiful day weather wise, so after we finished at the museum, we went to the Georgetown Water Park, where you and Vir were thrilled to just run around and play.

Then came the big day! Monday, April 6th. Usually you wake me up, but that day, I was up before you, in your room, waiting for you to wake up. And when you did, I wished you and gave your your birthday cards. You were very excited and wanted to show them to Daddy and Nani right away.

It was your school day, so you got ready and I dropped you off at school. Ms. Lisa Peter picked you up from carpool and this is what you said to her "I turned 4 today. See how big I am!" I was smiling wide at your excitement and exclamation. Ms. Peter and you walked to your classroom talking.

In another hour, Nani and I went to your school to celebrate your birthday with your classmates and teachers. We took with us your favorite snacks; Cake Pops and Veggie Sticks, for all our friends. Ms. Haq conducted the walk around the sun  for you and the birthday song.

Afterwards, it was time for snack. You set napkins for all your classmates, while other kids picked other jobs to help.

Nani and I were very impressed!

You take the first bite, while other kids wait.

After the snack, I read a book; The Giving Tree, to your class. You were very excited and were even telling the story yourself with me.

You stayed in school till it was over, while Nani and I went to pick a cake and balloons for the evening. Daddy joined us when it was time to pick you up from school and we went for lunch at Sicilliano, our local Italian eatery.

 After lunch, we made our way to DC to check out Exposed at the US Botanical Gardens. It was a very fascinating exhibit about the plant roots.

Outdoors they had root sculptures.

One of them was even climbable. You had the most fun there.

Since the day was so gorgeous, we spent some time by the water right outside and then made our way back home where Vir was waiting for us.

Of course, after getting home, you wanted to ride your bike, so we went outside for the bike ride and brought home with us your friend Sofia for cake.

With three FaceTime connections with Ammi/Uncle, Sumit Mamu, Aman Mami and Nani, Daddy, Vir, Sofia, you and I at home, you cut the cake! :)

I was so glad we were all together despite the distance.

You have yet another celebration with your friends on Saturday, April 18th, where you'll be experimenting with Slime. Should be fun!

Kabir, you have grown all of a sudden, and I mean really grown. There is a huge difference from 3 to 4. Creativity when it comes to coming up with stories, has gone way up. You are using big words and phrases like "demolished", "exactly", "just in time", "beginning", "Can you believe that?!" and so many more. You were telling me that you can "apply brakes on your bike just in time"! Haha, I crack up on your narrations.

Listen to this, it's is from today, your 4 year check up with Dr. Yoo.

Dr. Yoo: Do you like watching TV
You: Yes
Dr. Yoo: What do you watch?
You: Kids TV
Dr. Yoo: What program do you like to watch on Kids TV?
You: The long one! The one that is very long, fifteen minutes long! :)

You get screen time once a week, so all you want is to watch a long episode of whatever you choose. I don't blame you but it was hilarious! :)

You have been writing numbers and letters and also practicing writing your name. You can find magnet letters and make your's and Vir's name.

You sometimes also read to Vir! :)

Legos continue to be your your favorite. You are working with both Duplos and Juniors. You really are building some very impressive pieces, from castles to trucks to towers to bunk beds...It's pretty cool!

These days, it is all about "cops" and "bad guys" and "enemies". Tons of stories around catching the bad guys.

You also love books. I have been creating your day plan and incorporating new titles for reading each day. I enjoy planning your reading and activities.

It is fun to see you grow and interact. You are very assertive and sometimes, it feels like, you are running our household! If not now, you soon will! :)

You love to swim and have been taking lessons which are going very well. You will also be starting soccer later this month.

Great year, Kabir. I wish your curiosity stays with you and you learn a lot. I wish you can choose right vs. wrong. I wish you are respectful to others. I wish you are always surrounded by loved one and I wish you are happy and healthy always. I wish you the very best, sweetheart!

I love you so very much!