Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy 5 months!

Vir, today you have completed 5 months! This past month was very exciting...lots of firsts and great progress overall!

You have been turning sides. You can go from your tummy to your side and then to your back. During naps and sleep time, I lay you down on your belly and almost always find you turned and in a different spot in your crib!

You've can now sit in your little chair and have started on solids! You've been eating rice cereal and today started on your first veggies; the sweet potato! You loved it! :) So, while earlier you ate cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner, starting today your lunch portion will be a veggie! :)

Outside of food, you've been putting anything and everything in your mouth.

Ingrid, who was relieving me a few nights a week, after you were born had left to attend another child. I heard from her a week back. She came back for a few nights and we started your sleep training. Now you're off pacifier (you hardly missed it), sleeping by yourself without being rocked and sleeping through the night! IT'S GREAT!! :) If you ask me, this is a HUGE milestone!

We make sure you eat plenty during the day to go through the night without food. Mariela and I are always on top of this.

Since last two days, you've been taking two naps instead of three. You're making some changes to your schedule and this is all good!

When you are lying down you try to hold our hands and sit up and after that you push yourself to stand! It's great! :) Watch this video...and that's Ingrid!

Dadu and Dadi are visiting and have been enjoying their time with you and Kabir. Dadu loves to be with you all the time! :)

We've had some good days lately and we try to go out for a walk whenever we can. You love outdoors!

Kabir and you are an adorable pair. He loves to watch you when I give you a bath and enjoys his time holding you and playing with you. It's a lot of fun seeing you both grow together!

You boys are lucky to have a fun dad! He always makes weekends fun! :) Love the trio! :)

Kabir has been very creative with legos; building airplanes, trains, parking lots, office buildings, zoo, ships and what not! Sometimes you lend him a helping hand too! ;)

You are a very happy and easy going child. I love your smiles and giggles! :)

But when you cry, boy are you loud! You sure don't get that from me! :)

Books are part of our daily routine. Sometimes we start with them at breakfast! :)

Today, is also mother's day and Daddy surprised me by bringing you and K to our room early morning! It made my day right there! :)

Love, love, love cuddling you both and early morning cuddles are the best! Love you both and blessed you have you both in my life!

Do I look well rested! ;) It's all thanks to you! :)

Vir, I sure will miss the months that have gone but at the same time I can't wait to see what's next!

Happy Birthday, Love! You're awesome! Wish you lots of love, laughter and good health!
